Wenja Language: pacha
Hésu wos, sókwyos (sa smarkaka Izila-ha)! Shajas dajris warshta : pacha. Meaning “to see”, pacha is a very common word in the Wenja language. When sneaking around an Udam outpost,
Historical Linguistics, Language Creation, and Lots of PIE
Hésu wos, sókwyos (sa smarkaka Izila-ha)! Shajas dajris warshta : pacha. Meaning “to see”, pacha is a very common word in the Wenja language. When sneaking around an Udam outpost,
Smarkaka, sakush! Frashta mashwar dajris warshtay. (Hi, friends! It’s time for the word of the day.) Sa dajris warshta : wayka. Meaning “attack” or “ambush”, this is another very common word
Smarkaka! Shaja gastiya samkway dahamas. Na Winja warshtas warhamas, tu, ya rahi Winja dangwa-su aw-awam, sis warhamas: “reduplication.”(Today we’ll be doing something a bit different. We’ll not be talking about a